Friday, May 21, 2010

The Muse and Mystery of Flowers

Why are flowers so beautiful to us? They are designed to attract pollinators for reproduction, yet they attract us with their beautiful colors, shapes, patterns and smells. It seems that since we do not benefit the flower, it would not diplay elements that are so attractive to our senses. Artists throughout history have been inspired by the beauty of flowers. What artist has not attempted to capture the beauty of this spectacle of nature?
(images from a flower painting I was commissioned to do last spring.)

I teach flower painting throughout the spring and summer. The images to the right are flowers painted in watercolors by young artists named Claire and Drew in the Fun Flower painting class at Pickering Creek Audubon. To see more flower paintings from that class go to:

Go to my website to find the next flower painting class or call to schedule one. I am planning to offer workshops at many of the beautiful gardens of the Talbot County Garden Club this summer.

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